Galaxy Voyage/Alliance maps
Date Active players Normal Players New players Average Power
2016-03-24 180 62085 194,490
2016-03-23 181 62084 194,682
2016-03-22 201 62082 195,527
2016-03-21 212 62080 194,079
2016-03-20 195 62074 191,130
2016-03-19 216 62069 189,777
2016-03-18 169 62057 188,301

Active players Players who's power changed since the last map was updated.
Normal players Normal players not in beginner protection
New players Players in beginner protection

Archived map data

Some times players have been renamed or removed.
You can search on them by their name here.
Make sure the capitalization is exactly the same as before.
Player name:
©opyright 2015-2016 WeeZeeWig Pty. Ltd., ACN 168217203